Should I Text Her Again After Months of No Reply

CL Grant has authored many human relationship books, including "30 Twenty-four hour period No Contact Rule," "The Reality of Being the Other Woman," and "Ex Addict."

Don't make these common mistakes after no contact has ended.

Don't brand these common mistakes after no contact has concluded.

If you are reading this commodity, then it is a rubber bet that you already know almost the principles of the No-Contact Dominion (NCR). If not, and so yous should first check out The 7 Powerful Benefits of the No-Contact Rule. To briefly epitomize, no contact revolves around the premise of taking a break from your partner for a set menstruation of time, typically 30 days. In principle, the process is extremely simple simply, in practice, it requires a great deal of willpower and self-control to see it through. This means no drunk texting, calling, or stalking your ex on social media.

When used correctly, information technology can help ease the pain of a breakup and be a positive tool for salvaging your self-esteem. It tin also be used to facilitate a reunion with your former partner, although this should not be your main focus.

The results of no contact are largely dependent on yous and the choices you brand. It also depends upon how yous plan to measure your success. Initially, you may think this means reuniting with your loved 1. Withal, you should retrieve that getting through your breakup as painlessly as possible is also a significant achievement.

Finally, information technology is important to acknowledge that some relationships cannot and should not be repaired. This is especially true of controlling and abusive relationships.

The 7 nearly common mistakes after no contact are:

  1. Panicking
  2. Putting your life on concur
  3. Thinking there are no more rules
  4. Setting a borderline
  5. Demanding answers
  6. Having a rebound human relationship
  7. Condign friends

Each of these mistakes is described fully below. They may seem a lilliputian contradictory, since they emphasize the idea of reuniting with your partner rather than focusing on your own healing and growth, even though the focus should be on self-recovery. However, a reconciliation undoubtedly remains atop of the wish list for many. Hence, the advice is intended to encompass all eventualities.


Mistake #i: Panicking

It'due south Day 31. You wake up feeling totally elated. You've washed it! You have managed to go a whole 30 days without contacting your former partner. At present you start staring at your phone, wondering when your ex is going to text or telephone call. After all, you lot've waited patiently for 30 days, you deserve this. Then, when the phone call doesn't come up, you outset to panic.

What went wrong?

Was it something yous did?

Has your ex establish someone else?

Do they think that you lot've found someone else?

Should you contact them instead?

Gyre to Go on

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If this bears any resemblance to the thoughts presently rushing through your mind, then y'all need to stop. Did you lot not acquire anything during your catamenia of abstinence? Take you actually gone dorsum to Twenty-four hour period ane?

Any yous do at this point, do not start drunk dialing or texting your ex. If yous truthfully believe that you lot can contact your ex in a rational manner, and recollect it would exist productive to do and so, then at that place are ways that you lot can go near this. Conversely, if yous are in an emotional and highly charged state of mind, and then contacting your ex should non exist on your agenda, since experiencing rejection will have an adverse event on your recovery.

You must call back that you took this journey to help you to recover from your breakup. It was an exercise in harm limitation, a journey of self-healing and self-improvement, not a ways of reconciling with your ex. Ideally at this signal, you should exist looking forward and non dwelling on your by. You should be and then decorated that yous hardly always have time to think nearly your old relationship. Y'all need to be totally honest with yourself. If you are anxiously waiting for that call, then you demand to consider embarking upon another 30 days of no contact.

Before making contact, yous besides need to consider what your ex may be thinking most your silence. At that place is some adverse publicity surrounding no contact, which they may have read. If they believe for one minute that you have washed this to punish or manipulate them, then they are likely to feel hostile towards you. For this reason, it is far better to let them reach out to yous. If y'all are inclined to contact them instead, and then delight don't be then obvious as to exercise it on Day 31. Wait another week or so at the very least.

Mistake #2: Putting Your Life on Concord

The 30 days of no contact are designed to aid you lot become your life back on runway. You've had 30 days to create a new normal and establish a new salubrious routine for yourself. Instead of thinking of those 30 days as an pause of your life, you need to view them as an opportunity to remember what your life looks and feels similar without that person. Don't become dislocated and first to remember that the period of no contact is an interruption of your life when the contrary is truthful: Your private life is what y'all put on hold during your relationship, and afterward those 30 days are over, you get to decide if your life is truly improved by that relationship.

No-contact mistake #2: Don't put your life on hold.

No-contact mistake #ii: Don't put your life on agree.

Error #3: Thinking At that place Are No More than Rules

Subsequently spending a few days wallowing in cocky-pity, you were encouraged to fill up upwards your schedule and keep yourself as decorated as possible. Upon finishing the outset period of no contact, people suddenly remember that they can forget well-nigh the rules that they have been sticking to. It's a scrap like dieting for 30 days, successfully losing xx pounds, and then starting to binge eat the following day. What do you call back will happen? Will y'all maintain your weight loss? I dubiousness information technology very much. Yous will terminate upwardly exactly where you started and mayhap a little fleck heavier. The same is true for no contact. Simply similar yo-yo dieting, yous will end up in a far worse identify, emotionally speaking, if y'all drop the new habits that you have been forming.

Afterwards completing 30 days, you lot should attempt non regress into the person you were 30 days agone. All of the new hobbies you began, the fettle authorities yous started, and the friends that you went out with should exist maintained. Your schedule should remain as full as information technology did the week before. Continuing to alive your life as you accept been doing gives yous less time to fret nigh your ex and more time to concentrate on the present. The only matter that has changed is your power to contact your old partner, if you still want to. If y'all exercise, it must exist done in a controlled manner and be prepared for a knock-back if they're not happy to hear from you.

You can never make the same mistake twice because the second time y'all make it, it's non a error, it's a option.

— Steven Denn

Fault #iv: Setting a Deadline

Setting a deadline rarely works. Firstly, yous must be prepared to follow through with your stated action and secondly, y'all demand to have a justifiable reason for imposing a deadline in the beginning identify. Furthermore, your behavior may besides be considered every bit emotional abuse. You lot are issuing an ultimatum in order to manipulate your ex-partner into doing what you want, when you lot want.

So let'due south piece of work through this using a hypothetical example. Assume that yous have completed xxx days of no contact and decide to reach out to your onetime partner. You ponder how best to do this and decide to leave it for a few days. Yous then transport your ex a casual text message to ask how they are.

At present respond the following question equally honestly every bit you possibly can.

Doesn't the respond seem blindingly obvious when it'southward written down in black and white and not straight about yous?

Communication is similar a game of lawn tennis. Player i hits the brawl and Player 2 returns it. Histrion 1 hits the ball again and Thespian ii hits it dorsum. You get the motion-picture show. The same pattern should apply to communicating with your ex. What you must not exercise is:

a) Bombard your ex with a flurry of messages.

b) Go really aroused and issue an ultimatum.

Later on a week has passed, information technology'due south fine to transport a 2d message simply to check if they received the first ane. If you don't hear back subsequently the 2d contact, then y'all demand to move on and forget virtually it.

No-contact mistake #4: Don't set a deadline.

No-contact error #4: Don't set a deadline.

Mistake #5: Demanding Answers

When couples break up, information technology is human nature to desire closure. Typically, you will want to know:

  • Why did information technology happen?
  • Did y'all do annihilation wrong?
  • Was anyone else involved?
  • Take they been dating since you bankrupt up?

Nonetheless, one of the biggest mistakes that you can make, especially in the early stages, is to demand explanations about the whys and wherefores of the breakdown of your relationship. At present is not the fourth dimension to start interrogating your ex about why they split up with you lot. If y'all beginning coming beyond as clingy, desperate, or enervating, your ex is going to run a mile. Whatever conversation you lot have with them should be undertaken in a light-hearted and positive tone. Your former partner should not feel under assault. You need to demonstrate that you are more than than capable of living without them.

Mistake #six: Having a Rebound Relationship

Rebound relationships are never a good idea. You may believe that yous are showing your ex that you have moved on but, in reality, you are simply exhibiting signs of agony and insecurity. You are demonstrating that you are not strong enough to survive on your own and that you demand someone to cling onto.

Initially, being in another relationship may boost your self-esteem. Notwithstanding, this is probable to be short-lived. When such a short period of time has passed following your breakup, information technology is more than likely that you lot volition constantly exist comparing your new date to the perfect illusion that y'all carry of your ex. Rather than admire the qualities that the new person has, you lot will be focusing on what they don't have. Not just volition this make you feel pitiful and disappointed, but information technology is unfair on the individual that you are dating.

This is why rebound relationships rarely piece of work. You demand to requite yourself time to work through your pain and open up your heart to the possibility of finding dearest again. Substituting your ex for someone you consider as 2nd best will never work.

If your presence doesn't make an impact, your absence won't make a difference.

— Trey Smith

Mistake #7: Becoming Friends

Remaining friends with your ex may seem like a step in the correct direction. However, if you still take feelings for them, and then it is probably best avoided. Do you really want to get their confidante and hear all almost their latest conquests and relationships? Furthermore, existence labelled as a friend means that yous are highly unlikely to ever become anything more than than that.

A dissimilar type of friend besides exists, and that is a 'friend with benefits.' Any you lot do, please don't get in that location! Men and women generally perceive sexual intimacy differently. For men, it can be merely a concrete act that can be undertaken without any emotional attachment. For most women, being intimate triggers emotional feelings. The 2 goals are just not uniform.

Just because you lot broke upwardly doesn't hateful that your ex-partner doesn't still find y'all sexually attractive. Nonetheless, they do not want to be in a permanent relationship with you. Consequently, to avoid any injured feelings, deciding whether or non you lot want to pursue a friendship should only exist undertaken once you lot have permanently reconciled and gotten past your romantic feelings.

It makes a nice fantasy, but trying to be friends with your ex after a breakup rarely works.

It makes a nice fantasy, but trying to be friends with your ex after a breakdown rarely works.

Information technology's fair to say that a lot of people struggle to maintain 30 days—let alone 60 days—of no contact with their ex. Even if your willpower is strong, it is not uncommon to go weak at the knees upon receiving a text or phone call from your ex-partner. You brim with false promise and mistakenly believe that the nightmare is finally over, y'all are going to become back together and alive happily ever after.

Sadly, this is rarely the case. In your fragile state of mind, it is easy to read too much into the significance of the phone call and to start obsessing nearly getting back together. Your ex may simply be testing to see if you will come up running. Alternatively, it may simply exist that they have non managed to find something else to fill the void that you take left and they are bored. This is hardly the foundation for edifice a lasting relationship.

On the other hand, you may well take broken no contact by reaching out to your ex, albeit with mixed results. You kid yourself that this blazon of interaction does non count and that you can resume no contact where you left off, but you can't. Sporadically breaking no contact is probably the worst thing that you tin do. If yous don't say truthful to yourself and follow through on your initial plan, no contact probably won't work for yous.

Equally touched upon earlier, you may mistakenly commencement no contact with the wrong attitude. Instead of viewing it equally a healthy style of recovering from your breakup and helping yourself become stronger, you may be obsessed with getting back together with your ex. Some who are feeling biting or scorned may meet it as a means of punishing their ex. These types of mindsets are wrong on and then many levels and volition only lead to further heartache.

The rules exist to serve a purpose. They are there to help you rebuild yourself. Sitting at home for thirty days, wallowing in self-compassion, is non going to cut it. You must take positive steps to reinvigorate yourself and your life.

The reason why putting a relationship on water ice and unplugging all forms of contact for a specified period of time works is because sometimes, when you're too close to a person, you lot tin't see them clearly anymore, and it's hard to appraise a human relationship when the emotions are clouding your eyes. Not only does no contact allow you lot to accept the infinite and time to really see what the relationship is, only it gives you the fourth dimension to retrieve who you are as an individual. Your new insight into both yourself and your partner will allow you to brand more clearheaded decisions about the future of your human relationship.

While no contact is extremely effective, information technology is not a miracle. Information technology won't repair a dysfunctional or loveless relationship. The bug that existed before will still be there afterwards. They cannot exist resolved unless you are both committed to finding solutions. Furthermore, while your partner will undoubtedly miss you lot during the no contact catamenia, they won't autumn back in beloved with you unless they still accept some underlying feelings for you lot. You cannot create something out of goose egg. Moreover, even if no contact worked for a friend, you should non expect at someone else's human relationship and wait yours to turn out the same style. Your relationship is unique and comprises many differing factors.

The rules of the no contact plan are right there in its name: No contact means no contact. Although breaking it is permissible in extreme circumstances (for example, something dire happens with your shared child), information technology does not extend to contacting your ex because yous left your favourite sweater at their place. If you pause no contact, then you really demand to start again from the very beginning.

But every bit a separation is non a divorce, no contact is not quite the same thing as breaking upward entirely. Sometimes, information technology follows a tentative breakup, but sometimes, information technology'south not completely clear if you have broken up or not. Notwithstanding, both parties of the relationship need to understand what "no contact" means if it is going to work. That ways the terms should exist carefully spelled out and discussed before you break contact with your partner. Tell them why you're doing it, how long information technology will last, and fully outline the rules and expectations. If you wait both partners to remain faithful during that time, then say so.

For most couples, thirty days is enough to gain perspective. However, if you've been in a relationship for quite some fourth dimension, information technology might take longer to detox and clear your mind. Some people need sixty days to proceeds the clarity they need.

You may feel that reaching the finish of the no-contact flow comes as something of an anti-climax. You've worked and then hard towards this goal, just what now? What comes next?

Hopefully, yous will have used your fourth dimension wisely and notice yourself in a much better place, emotionally and physically. You lot may take realized that catastrophe your relationship was actually for the all-time. Alternatively, you lot may non be prepared to requite upwardly on information technology and may still be yearning for a reconciliation. Neither is right or wrong. Whatever decision you come to, you must feel confident and relaxed about it. Y'all must approach it in a calm and pragmatic manner.

If you decide to contact your ex, then you demand to do it in a lighthearted, no-strings-attached fashion. You must also consider how to cope with possibility of rejection. Call back, this time autonomously has given your ex space to reflect upon your relationship, likewise. If they do not reply as you had hoped, then you must exist ready to motility on. The world is full of amazing people and wonderful opportunities. Y'all have to be prepared to take control of your life and your own destiny.

What Exercise I Text or Say to My Ex Subsequently No Contact?

Y'all'd retrieve 30 (or 60) days would be long plenty to come up up with something great to say, only sadly, this is unremarkably not the example. During that time it is likely that your emotions have fluctuated wildly and your determination to stay or get out have, also. If at the stop of no contact you've finally decided to pursue the relationship, then you'll probably desire to take some time to carefully consider your arroyo. And fifty-fifty if you've decided not to pursue the relationship, you may want to reach out to let them know your decision. Sit down and carefully craft a short line or two. Be direct and honest: Keep it short and sugariness. Don't simply blitz to telephone call them and so sit down there stammering, trying to figure out what to say.

Of class, the answer to this question depends on you, your ex, and your item situation. The break volition likely give your partner an opportunity for perspective. Merely, as mentioned earlier, the main point of no contact is to gain clarity and strengthen yourself. The interruption may either give you the insight y'all demand to repair the relationship or the forcefulness to end information technology for adept.

After the no-contact period is over, you can decide if you want to reach out (or not).

After the no-contact period is over, you lot can decide if you want to reach out (or not).


  1. Perilloux, Carin, Kiss, David M. Breaking upward Romantic Relationships: Costs Experienced and Coping Strategies Deployed. Evolutionary Psychology. 2008:6(1):164-18. [24 July 2017]
  2. Rodriguez, L. M., Øverup, C. Due south., Wickham, R. E., Knee, C. R., & Amspoker, A. B. (2016). Communication with old romantic partners and current relationship outcomes amidst higher students. Personal Relationships, 23: 409-424. [24 July 2017]
  3. Marshall, T. C. (2012). Facebook surveillance of former romantic partners: associations with postbreakup recovery and personal growth. Cyberpsychology, Beliefs and Social Networking, fifteen(x): 521-526. [24 July 2017]

This content is authentic and true to the best of the writer's knowledge and is non meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional person.

Questions & Answers

Question: Me and my ex were together for over 3 years. She broke up with me because she felt nether my thumb and at the stop wasn't happy. We've been apart at present for merely under a month, but I keep messaging her. She said she's completely washed. If I give her space do nosotros accept a run a risk?

Reply: Aye, you will take a far improve adventure if you lot stop messaging her. Give her some infinite and let her to breathe. In the meantime, you should also practise some soul-searching and ask yourself what you lot did to make your ex feel like she did.

Question: It's day 31 of no contact, and out of the blueish, my ex texted me on WhatsApp. The message said my name and something else. I didn't open it until afterwards. Still, when I did, I discovered that he had deleted the bulletin. What should I do? Why did he delete the message? Should I text him or ignore information technology?

Answer: What do you want to do? Would you like to get dorsum with your ex or not?

How you go on depends entirely upon what outcome y'all wish to attain. If your ex has reached out in one case, and then he will probably practice then again. Yous did the right affair by non opening the message direct away. He now realizes that y'all haven't put your life on hold waiting for him. This may well be the reason he deleted the bulletin.

If you do want to investigate the possibility of getting back together, and so I would look a calendar week before messaging him. He has provided you with the perfect opening equally yous tin now casually refer to his message and enquire him if he had tried to contact you.

Question: I broke up with my ex as he wasn't committed to the relationship. He would become for days and sometimes weeks, without contacting me. However, whenever I got in touch with him, he always answered. I bankrupt upward with him, and now I regret it. Does the no contact dominion work if yous were the one who acquired the breakup?

Respond: Yeah, this is one instance where the person who initiated the breakup tin use the no contact rule. Deep downwardly, y'all know that his behavior was unacceptable and disrespectful. So why do you regret breaking up with him?

You deserve to be treated ameliorate. Don't think for one moment that y'all should take second all-time. You weren't happy and now is the time to move on with your life.

Question: I have completed 30 days of no contact merely haven't received any message or call from my ex. Her birthday is coming up in a few days. Should I contact my ex to wish her happy birthday? If so, and then how should I go about it?

Respond: Personally, I would non contact her. However, if you lot do feel compelled to attain out to her, so a short, simple text message should suffice eastward.yard. 'Happy altogether!'

However, you need to ask yourself what are yous hoping this bulletin will reach, and how you will feel if she doesn't answer.

Question: Should I contact my ex on his altogether, during the no-contact period? He did accomplish out to me, two weeks ago, by sending one message to ask how I was doing. However, he has been silent ever since.

Answer: Yous don't say who concluded the relationship or if you responded to his earlier message. Yet, the answer is no. No contact ways exactly that. The only exception is when a modified form of no contact is adopted, due to instances such equally the couple having children or shared financial interests etc.

Question: I have non contacted my ex for five years, only some times I miss her a lot. What should I do?

Answer: You need to stop looking at the past through rose-tinted glasses. 5 years is an extremely long time to nevertheless be thinking near your ex. Proceed yourself busy, socialize more than and meet new people. In short, don't requite yourself time to recollect well-nigh her.

Question: My ex contacted me later on three weeks. He said he missed and loved me. I haven't heard from him in 2 days. Should I message him, or await to hear from him again?

Answer: Yous should wait. Just because he called, doesn't mean you should get running. If he truly loves y'all, he will get in contact with you again.

You don't say how the breakup occurred. Nonetheless, you practise need to assess if you are feeling emotionally strong enough to cope with any potential rejection from him.

In the concurrently, you should consider the reasons for the breakdown, why you want to get dorsum with your ex and going forrad, what changes demand to occur.

Question: I had been dating a guy for 4 months (long distance). We met once and had a dandy fourth dimension, only I realized he was still on the Facebook dating site that we met on. I asked him nigh information technology and he said that he had just forgotten. When I asked if he was still looking for someone, he ghosted me for a week. After this, he wrote dorsum breaking upwardly with me. When I called him, he didn't answer his phone, but sent a text saying he was in a coming together. He never called later. What should I practice now?

Answer: Follow the no-contact rule and move on with your life. In reality, y'all take not been dating this guy for iv months. He visited you once. You announced to have attached a greater caste of importance to this friendship, than the guy did. When you called him out about his dating profile, he ended whatsoever human relationship with you. Accept this. Possibly the altitude was more of an obstruction to him, than it was you. Too, y'all have never met his family or friends, so simply know what he wants you know about his life. Chalk this i up to experience and side by side time, don't invest so much of your time and emotions on a virtual relationship.

Question: My boyfriend told me to delete his number. Should I move on?

Answer: Yes. Delete his number and any other contact information you take. It's time to look frontwards and not back.

Question: After 4 months of no contact, my ex-girlfriend texted me to see how I am doing. She gave me a fiddling insight into what's going on with her. I told her I was glad to hear everything was going well with her, just she never replied. I feel then dislocated. Was she testing the waters? Volition she message me again?

Reply: I'm assuming that your ex initiated the breakdown, which is why y'all implemented no-contact?

Yes, she was testing the water and will no dubiousness contact y'all again, when it suits her. While such follow-upwards texts are fairly common, y'all need to be mindful almost how quickly you respond, if you determine to respond at all. Quite often, these texts don't warrant a response. As well, don't fall into the trap of assertive that she must be looking to go back together. Sometimes, it's simply a instance of curiosity and other times, information technology's because your ex wants reassurance that she can however 'reel you in' whenever she wants to.

Question: We broke up 8 days ago and yesterday I got a pocket dial. Never ever received one in the whole relationship. Never fifty-fifty heard that he's done it to anyone else. He initiated the break-up, mainly because he'south non sure if he wants his placidity life, non so quiet anymore. I've done the no contact since the break. Do y'all think he's but trying to go me to contact him. What should I do from here?

Answer: Information technology does audio as if you are reading far too much into your ex accidentally phoning you. This is perfectly natural, equally you are unlikely to exist thinking rationally and probably prone to over-analysing fifty-fifty the smallest of detail.

Keep with no contact. If your ex wants to speak to you, he needs to make the call, not you lot.

Question: My ex broke upwardly with me considering her parents don't like me. What do I do?

Answer: You lot demand to respect her decision. Clearly, her parents have a strong influence over her. This is non unusual. About of us take mind of the opinions of family and friends, particularly when we believe that they take our best interests at heart.

Sadly, you need to motility on and implementing no contact may aid you with this.

Question: If he's the ane who initiates the no contact dominion, what should I do?

Answer: Respect his determination and requite him the space he needs.

You lot should too use the fourth dimension wisely to focus on yourself and evaluate what it is yous want from life, as well as your relationships.

Question: My ex-boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago. Nosotros've been together for vii months. He hasn't explained why he broke upward with me but says he still loves me and wants to be part of my life. He said we need some time apart. I want to know if I can text him to ask him to explain why he broke up with me because I want to know the truth. I will feel better knowing the answers, and of course, I love him so much. What should I do?

Answer: Accept you always heard the expression that; actions speak louder than words? Well, your ex's actions do not match his words. Also, but because he wants to be function of your life, doesn't mean that he still wants to appointment you. He may well play the, 'let'south be friends' card.

While it's natural to presume that you need to know the truth, in order to proceeds closure, oft, it but causes more hurting. Give him space to breathe and don't hound him for answers. If you do reconcile, at some indicate in the future, then you should push for an explanation.

Question: My ex has non reached out to me after I followed the no-contact dominion for 30 days. I miss him then much. Should I contact him?

Answer: No. 30 days is the minimum amount of time you should maintain no contact. Like many others, you have approached the no-contact dominion with the wrong mindset. It is not well-nigh getting your ex back. It is nigh making you stronger and helping you through the breakup.

As you are still missing your ex, information technology appears that you need a longer menses of time. If you contacted him now, any rejection would be a huge ready-back. First with another 30 days of no contact and see if you feel emotionally stronger then.

Question: My ex dumped me, and I vented to my sister. They don't similar each other, so my sister texted my ex and told her all the things that I had said. Now my ex hates me. We have been together for half-dozen years, and have 2 kids. She feels betrayed, proverb that I have been talking about her behind her back. But I just vented to my sister who was my best friend. Should I only move on?

Answer: Firstly, your sister is in the wrong every bit she betrayed your confidence. While I don't doubt that you are close to her, you should non take involved her in this. You were fully enlightened that your ex and your sis didn't like each other, so what you did was extremely foolish. Likewise, you cannot justify what yous did purely because your sister is your best friend. Your ex has every right to feel aggrieved.

Yous don't say how long you and your ex have been apart or what caused the split. However, you do have 2 children. For this reason lonely, you should be making every endeavour to salvage the relationship.

Your ex volition demand time to come to terms with your betrayal. You need to give her space while keeping the lines of advice open up. If and when she feels ready, y'all may wish to propose articulation relationship counseling sessions. You owe it to your children to explore any possibility of saving your relationship, providing that it is in their all-time interests.

Question: I pushed my ex away and he'southward in a human relationship do I contact him?

Answer: No. It's all-time to leave sleeping dogs lie. He's moved on and you demand to respect that. Contacting him will only misfile matters. If and when he becomes single again, then you lot can contact him. Still, you lot demand to question your motives. Practice you actually want him or is it a case of not wanting anyone else to accept him?

Question: We savage in love, simply she says her conscience won't let her injure him. What exercise I say to this?

Answer: Are you saying that your partner is in a relationship with someone else? If so, yous deserve more. Accept some respect for yourself and walk away.

Question: I am in the same class as the person I initiated the No Contact dominion with. Whenever I see her, I pretend as if I haven't and walk away. Should I keep?

Answer: You are in a difficult situation as you see this girl most days. To make you both experience comfortable, endeavour forcing a smile when you see her. You don't need to appoint in conversation, but are but implying that there are no hard feelings on your part. Your education is important and you need to be able to focus on this.

Question: What if my ex reaches out to me after a few days? Should I wait or respond?

Answer: Unfortunately, there is no correct or wrong answer as each breakup is unique. Withal, communication is a vital aspect of any relationship and should e'er exist explored in the first instance. Couples break upwardly and make upwards all of the time. Remember, the no contact rule should just be used every bit a terminal resort.

You need to evaluate what your expectations would be, should your ex contact y'all. For example, consider how you would react if your ex just wanted you as a friend or told you that they were dating someone else. Also, why did yous intermission up? Have these problems been resolved? If not, they will resurface at some point in the future. Furthermore, if i of you was unfaithful, can you really rebuild the trust?

If you lot ex does reach out to you, consider the request with caution. If you decide to stick with no contact, recall to piece of work on improving yourself and your emotional stability.

Question: My married man wants a divorce, simply I don't. I take not talked to him since the 27th, and now he'southward texting me saying he'south proud of me and that he hopes I have a good day. What practise I do?

Reply: The simple reply is absolutely nothing! His text does not require yous to reply and y'all should not feel compelled to practise and so.

Question: I have been in a long distant relationship for a twelvemonth and a half. There has been a lot of arguing and making up. Just over a week ago, he broke up with me because I'chiliad non ready to move in with him, and I don't believe our relationship is strong enough either. I haven't seen him for over three weeks. He broke information technology off in a text. Should I contact him to run into if he will even talk to me?

Respond: Seriously? He dumped you by text, and you're the ane worrying if he volition talk to you!

Your relationship sounds rather volatile, and you plainly have reservations about committing yourself to this guy. It is important that you have heed of your 6th sense. I'm assuming that you're the 1 who will be giving up everything and moving away to exist with him.

If he doesn't respect you plenty to take a mature conversation virtually the future of your human relationship, and then I would exist running in the contrary direction. Listen to your gut and don't let yourself to be pressured into doing something yous may later on regret. If he's right for yous, and so he'll wait for you. Alternatively, look for a guy closer to domicile.

Question: My ex and I had been together for 9 years. Nosotros have been split up for about a month. Since nosotros broke up, I made a fake social media business relationship that he found out almost. This lead to a girl that he liked blocking him. Now he says he wants nothing to do with me, but wants to exist friends via text for at present. What should I do?

Answer: Firstly, you need to acknowledge that your behavior since the split was unacceptable and emotionally unhealthy. Catfishing your ex will just serve to destroy any element of trust that existed between yous.

However, your ex appears to be sending mixed letters. On the one paw, he says he wants nil to do with you, yet on the other, he says he wants to stay friends by text. He can't have it all ways.

You need time to heal and take stock of the state of affairs. If your ex contacts you over again, permit him know that you desire some space. And then follow the no contact rule for thirty days. Call up that this is near making yourself emotionally stronger, likewise every bit not contacting your ex. Hopefully, this volition help you to brainstorm thinking in a more than rational manner.

Question: My ex broke up with me because he can't forgive me for a mistake I made, yet he tells me he nonetheless loves me. What do I exercise?

Answer: It sounds as if your ex is being totally honest with you. Just because you love someone doesn't hateful that you like them, or what they did to y'all.

You lot say you made a mistake but don't elaborate on that. Clearly, it was serious plenty to make him break upwardly with you lot. You should respect his decision and give him some space to breathe and work out what he really wants. It is as well important for you to give yourself some time to reverberate upon why you made this mistake, if you knew information technology would hurt your ex.

Even if you were to become back together, information technology does not mean that your human relationship will exist the same again. At that place may always be trust issues. You may demand to chalk this 1 up to experience and motility on with your life. In this respect, applying the no contact rules will help ease the pain and enable you to motility on with your life.

© 2022 C 50 Grant

Lucy from Leeds, U.k. on April 12, 2020:

Great advice. Equally a neuroscientist, I find information technology fascinating how acting in an overly-needy way can crush attraction and leave our partner viewing us through a lens of contempt. It'due south a shame that near people exercise not realise this, simply it'south understandable - information technology's human nature and a deeply-ingrained survival tactic to try and cling onto what we feel is slipping away from us.

The irony is that us humans respond to intermittent advantage like nothing else, finding anything (affection, attention, texts..) attractive when it is offered rarely and less predictably.

Shweta98 on March 08, 2020:


I am in a aforementioned sex relationship. My ex and i had a huge autumn out on 12th feb regarding some support that i wanted. She also did non bother to check on me the whole day. This is not the first time, information technology has happened. The pattern has been the same whenever, i take reached out to her regarding any emotional back up that i need. It is also important to know that her female parent is suffering from cancer. However, that is a very recent evolution. I tried reaching out to her the aforementioned mean solar day and the mean solar day subsequently, chosen her couple of times. She only responded when it was something else other than our relationship. She sent me a package of things with a letter stating that the by few days accept been difficult for her and that she was missing me and also asked for an amends. I called her dorsum, messaged her and even sent an email to her saying that i will give her space and time and that i will wait for her. It has been 2 weeks since then and there has been no e-mail that i know of. I am very dislocated about the fact whether she wants me to leave her alone or pursue her. Please advice what i should be doing.

Lily on January 15, 2020:

My ex and i were together for more than than 6 years. He broke up with me 3 wks ago. He said he is unsure on what he wants in life. He said he loves me and he knows what i need only he cannot give me that long term delivery still until he is able to figure out what he really wants. I broke the no contact later i.5wks of not talking. Now, we havent talked for well-nigh a week. Is there still a chance of us getting dorsum? I want to move on merely i am also sure that i love him more anything and would really love him dorsum

Mikey on January xxx, 2019:

I was to 1 to finish the human relationship by dumping her as she hurt me a lot and insulting me (by text letters and past not responding to my phonecalls). We exchanged letters later each one expressing how we feel. Subsequently 3 weeks post-obit the no-contact rule, I felt guilty every bit I did not hash out in person giving u.s. the opportunity to sort things out. I sent her a text message to arrange a phone call merely she did non respond. I want to have another chance to this relationship. Should I follow no-contact for 30 more than days and effort to reach her?

dashingscorpio from Chicago on July 28, 2017:

I meant to say the following:

I suspect ane of the reasons why it's so difficult for people to get over a relationship is considering deep downwards they (don't) desire to.

dashingscorpio from Chicago on July 28, 2017:

Great advice! & Well written.

"You must call up that you started this journeying to assistance you to {recover from your breakup}. It was an exercise in harm limitation, a journey of self-healing and self-comeback: non a ways of reconciling with your ex. " - Very true!

These days so much is written near how to get your ex back. Clearly there are lots of people who turn down to accept it's over.

One has to "let go" in order to "move on".

I suspect i of the reasons why it'south and so difficult for people to get over a relationship is because deep downwardly they want to. They're hoping for a reconciliation.

The "no contact dominion" should not be viewed every bit a "tactic" but rather a part of the moving on procedure.

I besides agree with the (no friends) concept.

Your ex is the last person who tin can help you go over them! It's also unrealistic to go from beingness "red hot lovers" to (instant platonic friends) behaving like siblings.

When the person ending the human relationship offers friendship as a "consolation prize" it's considering they don't want to feel like the "bad guy". Unfortunately the person who was dumped oftentimes jumps at the opportunity to be (friends) because they believe it will give them some other shot at winning the ex over.

The biggest threat is a former couple might end upward having sexual practice. While the person who was dumped believes they're getting back together their (ex) sees information technology as an "one-off" one night stand up, "booty call" or "friends with benefits" scenario setting one up for another heartbreak. No contact means non looking backwards.

In order for your (ex) to accept been "the one" they would have had to see (you) every bit being "the one". At the very least a "soulmate" is someone who actually wants to exist with yous!

Your future lies ahead of yous and not behind you.

Every catastrophe is a new beginning!


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